আমার ফটো
Foisal Masum, a photographer - this identity of mine gives me the pleasure quite like when i address my mother as "Mother". I came to this earth on January 25, 1981. With a background of computer related studies, i was supposed to be one of those guys who serves 9am-5pm in the office and passes rest of the time till sleep by watching TV. Till September 2008, this was almost the exact scenario of my upcoming life....Suddenly....Everything changed...let's not go into the boring details of how, when it happened...rather let's say an organization named "Photography Bangladesh" is the birth place of mine as a photographer, my proud identity. I owe to it to the ultimate level. Don't know how much successful i am in photography. But this much i can say that i try to express my feelings and viewpoints with the composite of millions of pixels; ingredients are emotions, lights and the imagination.

বুধবার, এপ্রিল ০৬, ২০১১

Wedding Photography By Foisal Masum's photostream

IMG_7946IMG_7713yasin recepA Glance of Bappy's weddingIMG_1366couple2

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