আমার ফটো
Foisal Masum, a photographer - this identity of mine gives me the pleasure quite like when i address my mother as "Mother". I came to this earth on January 25, 1981. With a background of computer related studies, i was supposed to be one of those guys who serves 9am-5pm in the office and passes rest of the time till sleep by watching TV. Till September 2008, this was almost the exact scenario of my upcoming life....Suddenly....Everything changed...let's not go into the boring details of how, when it happened...rather let's say an organization named "Photography Bangladesh" is the birth place of mine as a photographer, my proud identity. I owe to it to the ultimate level. Don't know how much successful i am in photography. But this much i can say that i try to express my feelings and viewpoints with the composite of millions of pixels; ingredients are emotions, lights and the imagination.

বুধবার, ডিসেম্বর ০১, ২০১০

How to do Color Correction in Photoshop?

Open an image that you think has a color cast.
Choose Window > Info  
(to display the Info palette. This gives you information about the pixels in your image and, if you’re working with a standard photo, you’ll have RGB mode displayed in the upper left corner of the dialog.)
Like this-
I’ll make some color sample points on the image using the Color Sampler tool which shares a toolbar position with the Eyedropper.
Click the Color Sampler tool and, from the toolbar, select the 3 x 3 Average Sample. This is important as you’ll want to sample a larger area than just a single pixel.
Like this-
Now locate a place on the image which should be white or a light neutral gray in color. Click on it with the color sampler tool and you’ll see a marker appear on the image with the number 1 beside it. Make sure the point you select is one which should be white or light gray and don’t select an area of the image which is blown out such as a light spot.
Repeat the process, this time clicking on another point which should be either white, black or a neutral gray. This gives you a second sample point. You can continue and add a total of four markers if desired. Each should be placed in an area of the image which should be white, black or a neutral gray.


Check back in the Info palette to read the color information for each of these points. For the lightest points you should see values of around 245 for the R, G and B channels. For the darkest points the value should be around 15 for each of the channels. For gray points you should have equivalent values of R, G and B, although they can be any value, they just need to be roughly the same for each.


If your image has a color problem you’ll find that the numbers at each point are not within a range of 2 or 3 values of each other. 

To color correct the image what you’ll do is adjust the curves for each of these channels to bring them closer to each other. Choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves and click Ok. You’ll be correcting individual channels so from the Channel drop down list select Red and then Ctrl + Click on the first point that you marked in your image. This adds a small marker on the curve line which shows you where this point in the image appears on the curve.
Identify whether you need to increase or decrease the value at this point. To increase it, drag upwards and to decrease the value drag downwards. You’ll see that you’re not making subjective judgments here; you’re simply adjusting the curve to bring the numbers closer together and closer to the desirable value of 245 for a white point and 15 for a black one.
Repeat this last step for all the sample points that you created on the image and then repeat it for the Green and Blue channels so that you end up with all the sample points containing values that are within 2 to 3 values of each other.
When you’re done, click Ok to close the Curves dialog. You can now apply other fixes such as adding contrast to the image with a further Curves adjustment or use the new Brightness/Contrast tool in Photoshop CS3.

** Photos and steps are Collected from Digital School of Photography.
---THE END---

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